Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Adventures in Online Dating: "I know some international bands as well..."

So here's the latest email from Mark.* There is so much about this email that makes me want to dope-slap him.

Starting with the subject line. You know some international bands as well? Woopty-freakin-doo. What do you want, a fucking cookie? Lemme explain why he said that... Back when we were doing the eHarmony questions, he asked me this:
"You like David Sedaris, so you're pretty much awesome already. What other non-mainstream things to you like that will impress me even more?"

Okay, first of all - *I* have to impress *YOU*? Pfht. Anyway, my reply started with this:
GOGOL BORDELLO. The absolute BEST band EVER. I've seen them in concert 5 times in the past 2.5 years - the last two shows being back-to-back concerts in Baltimore a month ago. They played Thursday and Friday nights and I went to both...

So when he emails me, he mentions this:
I would argue that Dream Theater is the greatest band ever - but I honestly don't expect to find women who share my tastes in music. I'll be very lonely if I try for that.

Fair enough. I personally find metal rather irritating, but I'm glad he doesn't have unrealistic expectations for his mate. Being a fangirl and occasionally snarky, I replied with this:
Nope, sorry - Gogol Bordello is the greatest band ever. A punk/rock band formed in New York by a Ukrainian with gypsy roots, who now lives in Brazil + a guitarist from Israel + a classically trained Russian violinist + an Ethiopian on bass + another Russian toting an accordion + a dude of Italian/Swedish/Carribean descent wearing a kilt playing drums + three more on percussion from Ecuador, Hong Kong, and Vermont/Thailand. It all adds up to a transcontinental, multicultural soundgasm with infectious energy. Nothing tops Gogol Bordello. :) But I know what you mean - I've given up on finding someone who shares my taste in music. Musical preference is probably not very high on the list of what makes relationships "work."

So now we're back to the email with "I know some international bands as well..." in the subject line.
From: Mark
Date: Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 10:40 PM
Subject: I know some international bands as well...
To: Susan

Hello Susan,

If you like international music, your best bet of liking something I like would be "Orphaned Land", they describe themselves as "Judeo-Muslim heavy metal". They're pretty awesome because they use traditional Middle Eastern instruments with modern ones to make Middle Eastern metal.

So, what do you do in your spare time? Have any pets? and, most importantly, what is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?

Hope to hear from you soon,

Okay, fine. I'll give him credit for trying to connect on some level, even though Orphaned Land SUCKS. (I looked 'em up on MySpace. Nice concept though. But it's still metal. Very irritating.)

What do I do in my spare time? Seriously? Did you even the part of my profile where I answer, "How do you typically spend your leisure time?" Or did the "spare/leisure" synonym throw you off?

Now I can excuse a Holy Grail reference here and there ("what is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?"), but the combination of Holy Grail, plus all of my previously stated annoyances, plus how excited he got about my superhero question**, equals "ehhh..."

So "eh" that I can't even bring myself to reply with, "African or European?"

It's possible that my irritability is getting the best of me and sabotaging a potential match.

It's also possible that "irritability" is a my higher self telling me that I'm just not interested in someone. And the less I heed my inner wisdom, the more irritated I get. I've already got two perfect examples of this phenomenon over the past year or so - "Rain Man" and "Java Jerk"***- I probably don't need to add a third.

Or maybe "third time's the charm?"

Or, "these things come in threes?"


*Fake name.
**"If you were a superhero, what superpowers would you want to have? What superpowers would you more likely end up with?" Of course it's a great question. But no need to shoot your load over it.
***I'll explain some other time.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Adventures in Online Dating: The Italian Stallion

Another treasure from my OKCupid inbox:

Well my name is ray an IM full Italian,I was born an lived in new York for 15.years.Im the type of man who shows his woman respect,charm,romance e,loyal.Well at the age of 15 i taught myself how to draw,i love to draw eagles,roses,fantasy ,people,dragons.I just started working with oil paints an it brings the art more alive.I would like to capture your beauty on painting an let you see what beauty i see for you through my eyes.I like all types of music an movies but i do have my favor movies is an American werewolf in London an for music it is papa roach.Im also the type of man who likes to cook a woman a nice candle light dinner an give her a dozen roses.There is something very special about me that you cant get from know other man on the planet.This is a drawing of a rose but its not just any rose it repersents all the beauty,caring,love for that woman.This will never die or lose its beauty an will grow till the end of time.This is how i will capture the love an beauty for the woman i really Not like all other men im looking for that special woman to capture her beauty an watch it grow till the end of ..time.So.. if you are looking for a man like this please get back to me an will see how it goes.One more thing you are a beautiful woman an don't let anyone tell you any different as. My yahoo id is italianstalion2002 so add me if you want to chat

Wow, that was painful.

And "italianstalion2002"? Check out his second picture. Does it match the image in your mind when you think "Italian Stallion?"

I'm starting to question which is worse: being divorced in my 30s, or being "out there" in my 30s.

Adventures in Online Dating: "Real Dude"

I received this in my OKCupid inbox. The subject line was "real dude." Here's the content:
wow a chick who wants to know how it works! my life long pursuit is to understand everything makes me an outcast in these mountains. Hello my name is ben i like your profile and want to know more about you so hit me up some time.

First of all, my profile says NOTHING about wanting to know how "it" - whatever "it" is - works. I mention that I have fun fixing things, but that's not the same as wanting to know how "it" works. I know how it works, dipshit - I just fucking fixed it myself.

Second, LOOOOVE the grammar and punctuation. Way to weed yourself out of the competition there, buddy. Be sure to swing by English 101 in your lifelong pursuit to understand everything.

Third, "hit me up some time" ? Take a look at his picture. Does this look like the kind of man that should be tossing around that phrase?

His profile offers a few more gems:

He's finishing "collage." Apparently how to spell "college" is not in the curriculum.

He's "not a big fan of the bar's." The bar's WHAT, exactly? The bar's stools? The bar's music? The bar's selection of adult beverages? The bar's shady patrons? The suspense is killing me.