I was out watering my garden this evening - yes, I know you're supposed to water in the morning, but when the choice is between evening or NEVER, which one am I supposed to choose? As I was saying, I was out watering my garden this evening when my friendly neighbor from across the street came strolling over.
"I just saved you a ton of money on your water bill," he said in his always charming German accent. Alright I'm paraphrasing. What he said was, "You should thank me for saving you a lot of money on your water bill." Huh? "I was working in my garden the other day and I looked over at your house and..." I'm thinking ahead and wondering, is he about to tell me that my flowers looked so pitiful that he spent a good 45-60 minutes watering everything? Wow, what a guy! Tuning back in now: "...and I saw this fountain of water coming up from your driveway." What??? "...and I couldn't figure it out. Why would they be watering their driveway? It didn't make any sense. So I went over and turned off your spigot and I noticed that your garden hose had a split in it - the pressure from the water made the hose burst."
Ah, so THAT’S what happened to my new garden hose. Heh. Guess I won’t be trying to take it back to Lowe’s.
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