Mamma Mia SUCKED!!! I’m not a religious person - but OH SWEET MOTHER OF GOD GET THESE DAMN SONGS OUT OF MY HEAD!!! HOLY F***ING CHRIST that was probably the most excruciating movie I have EVER seen! It could be that I just didn’t “get it.” I have a feeling I’d need to be at least 10 years older and a fan of ABBA to truly – um, appreciate? – the pain and torture of this celluloid catastrophe. WTF was up with all the women in the theatre? I have never seen so many women get so into a movie. They were hootin’ and carrying on like school girls at a damn Elvis concert. What the hell???
As soon as I got in my car I popped in some Offspring, cranked it up as loud as I could stand it and went for a drive. Sure, Rage Against the Machine would probably have been more effective, but you gotta work with what you have, right? It wasn’t until I hit Narrows that I figured I should turn around and go back home. My bladder agreed.
I thought I had successfully purged the demons from my brain, but nooooooooo... as soon as my head hit the pillow those damn songs started replaying! And the dancing - dear god, the dancing!!! HELP ME!!! I NEED AN EXORCIST!!!

I'm sure some of you have a very different opinion of this creation. Go ahead. Flame me.
Funniest. Rant. Ever. Well, I can't comment on the movie since I haven't seen it. I do like ABBA a lot, but I just don't know if I'd like that movie. It's funny how the women were into it. I heard similar things about Sex and the City since I know several girls that couldn't wait to go and went several times. I can't complain about that since I saw The Dark Knight three times :-) Fandom is a funny thing!
Well hey there, my little flesh-eating snuggle monkey! I saw your post as Dr. Lexicon over there at Pink Kryptonite. Good stuff! LOVE the bio!
My coworker RAVED about this movie. (Hi Barb!) She loved it, her daughter loved it, all her friends loved it, all her daughter's friends loved it... We spent some time today formulating hypotheses as to why I couldn't stand it. One theory: perhaps it appeals to the 50-somethings and the 20-somethings - like Meryl Streep's character and the young chick who was supposed to be getting married? I dunno. But I'm FINE with not being part of the target demographic.
What really pissed me off was my realization today that, while I was cowering in my seat trying to keep my ears from bleeding, I completely missed season premier of The Big Bang Theory. I traded my Monday night nerd humor for that crap?!?!?!
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