Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sparky's Blogosphere Debut

I couldn't resist sharing this (with permission, of course). This is a letter written by my good friend, "Sparky," to a mutual acquaintance. We'll call her "K." K invited a number of friends to someone else's Pure Romance party, but failed to make an appearance herself. I may or may not have been in attendance. (Hi Mom!)

K! Where the HELL were you? Nothing like two old geezers showing up to a very straight sex toy party and not knowing a damn soul. I now need two pitchers of margaritas, a very long shower to get the twenty-two different lotions, lubricants, and pheromones off my body. And at least six extra therapy sessions.

Now as for the trauma your friends experienced by our mere presence, I cannot fully take responsibility. Why you ask? Because the person who invited us was NOT there.

Although I must say that with our costly purchases, Cassandra has enough hostess credits to buy toys to last her for the next forty years.

Hugs and Kisses!!!

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