Friday, June 1, 2007

Looks like I've finally been bitten by the blog bug.

I went to see the movie Miss Potter with my mom tonight. Twice. After the 7:00 showing, my mother ran into this person and that person and chitted and chatted whilst I was in the ladies room. I reunited with mommy dearest in the lobby, where I discovered that Mom and two of her friends decided that they liked it so much they wanted watch it again at 9:15. As we stood there trying to figure out if I would join them for another round, I was introduced to the two friends - Bill and Jean. They said, "Oh, you're the one that sent those email updates to us when Mary had her two knee surgeries." Oh yeah. Several people have commented on how much they enjoyed those emails. (I'm still surprised that I was able to construct a coherent sentence during that whole ordeal.) I pondered about that on the way home - I've been pondering a lot lately - and thought, "Maybe I should share more of my musings and newsings with others..."

So here I am. I'm probably just here because I crack myself up. Or maybe I feel guilty for not keeping in touch better with the people I care about and blogs have an inherent feature of allowing people a shortcut to keeping everyone updated that is just too irresistible. Or maybe I wonder if these goofy thoughts that wander around in my brain as I wander around in my garden might be as amusing to others as they are to me.

Either way, I hope we both enjoy this little venture.

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