Sunday, June 17, 2007

Hokie Healing Project

Mosiac Yarn Shop organized the Hokie Healing Project to create blankets for the families of the victims of the Virginia Tech shootings. They asked volunteers to knit or crochet 8x8 squares that would be sewn together (64 squares in each blanket). Today was the big sewing party at the Inn at Virginia Tech. Mom and I went to help sew together the squares into blankets. We had a lot of fun! We even left with 64 squares EACH to take home and piece together since there were so many blankets left to make (actually, Mom left with 128 because she planned to do one with her friends tomorrow afternoon). My mission is to complete this one, take it back to Mosaic, pick out 64 more squares, put 'em together, take it back, pick out 64 more squares... and keep going until there are no squares left. Don't know how many I will manage to do, but that's the plan.

Not surprisingly, the media showed up - all three local news stations, plus journalists from the Roanoke Times and the Richmond Times-Dispatch. WSET-13 (our local ABC affiliate) did a fantastic story - watch and see how many times you can spot me or my Mom...

Watch the WSET-13 video and play "Spot the Susan" here.
[Hint: I'm the woman wearing the maroon shirt...]

Additional news coverage:
The Roanoke Times
The Richmond Times-Dispatch, includes slideshow

Be sure to check out Mosaic's blog for more details, including awesome photos!

1 comment:

Mary said...

I was there at the sewing party with my sister Anne and my friend Issy. We were at that first table near the t-shirts. Wasn't it a wonderful experience? I'd do it again in a heartbeat.